The truth is that expectations shift and change, but my first stab at them back when we were a two-person team still guide my thinking. The numbers have shifted a bit as we've continue to grow the team and embrace "feature creep", but the philosophy behind them remains the same. We're doing this as a passion project, and even our expectations if the game is a runaway success embrace a bit of silliness and acknowledge the necessity of having fun at this. Here is a somewhat embarrassing look at the original draft with only the names of other games removed.
HIGH EXPECTATIONS: This game should be lauded as the only way to play [games of this type] and reach critical success with reviewers, with an average rating of 4.8 out of 5. Viral growth across several supported platforms, along with no pay-to-win mechanic has led to 200,000 installs with thousands of DAU and strong retention. As a hardcore game with monetization tied to core loop mechanics, DARPU is $0.20. The game generates questionable fan-fiction on the internet, and several members of the team actually develop pseudo-magical powers. We strongly consider either extending the project, or collaborating on another.
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